Welcome to our Governors’ section
The governing body should consist of:-
Governing Body as at 4th November 2023
The governing body consists of: -
Two parent governors: Mrs Jennifer Leach and Kelly Buckle
One LEA governor: Mr Tim Moody
One Head Teacher: Mr Geoff Holmes
One Staff governor: Mrs Madeleine McCullagh
Three Diocesan Foundation governors: Dr. David Gunn, Revd. Sarah Richardson and Mrs Pam Blackburn
Four Co-opted governors: Mrs Alison Gooderson (DHT), Mr Steve Perkins and 2 Vacancies
Clerk: Lisa White
Please find below more details of our Governing body including the names and a register of declaration of pecuniary (business) interests for each Governor.
Governor Term of Office Pecuniary
Business) Interests
There are no relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.
The Governors have no other governance roles in other schools.
Governors Responsibilities
Deputy Chair
Members of Resources Committee
Members of Curriculum Committee
Governor Training
Pay Committee delegated to Resources Committee
Staff Disciplinary Committee delegated to Head Teacher
Staff Appeals Committee
Pupil Discipline/Exclusions Appeals Committee
Complaints Committee
Head Teacher Performance Management
Pupil Premium & Catch Up Premium
Leadership & Management
Governor Training
Health and Safety
Early Years
Behaviour / Pupil Welfare
Phonics & Early Reading
Art / Design & Technology
Governor Attendance
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Summer Term 2024
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
29/04/24 | 09/05/24 | 21/05/24 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Kelly Buckle
| √
| A |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Jennifer Leach |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Madeline McCullagh |
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | A |
Mr Jason Pellett
| A | √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Reverend Sarah Richardson
| √ |
| √ |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Spring Term 2024
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
23/01/24 | 29/02/24 | 07/03/24 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Kelly Buckle | N/A
| √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| A |
| √ |
Mrs Jennifer Leach |
| √
| √ |
Mrs Madeline McCullagh
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Reverend Sarah Richardson | √ |
| √ |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
NB Kelly Buckle joined the Governing Body 15 March 2024
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Autumn Term 2023
Name of Governor | Governing Body | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
03/10/23 | 03/10/23 | 07/11/23 | 20/11/23 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ |
CANCELLED | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √
| √ | |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ | |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| √ | |
Mrs Jennifer Leach | √
| √ | A | |
Mrs Madeline McCullagh | N/A | N/A
| √ | |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √ | √ | |
Mrs Tina Nelson | √
| N/A | |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | A | √ | |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ | √ | |
Reverend Sarah Richardson
| √ |
| √ |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
NB Reverend Sarah Richardson joined the Governing Board 3 October 2023
Tina Nelson resigned from the Governing Board 31 October 2023
Madeline McCullagh joined the Governing Board on 3 November 2023
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Spring Term 2023
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
24/01/23 | 23/02/23 | 09/03/23 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | Cancelled |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| Cancelled |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| Cancelled |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| Cancelled |
Mrs Jennifer Leach | √ | ||
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | Cancelled |
Mrs Tina Nelson | √
| Cancelled |
Mr Jason Pellett | A | ||
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | Cancelled |
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
NB Jennifer Leach joined the Governing Body 8th December 2022.
Governor Attendance
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Autumn Term 2022
Name of Governor | Governing Body | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
15/09/22 | 04/10/22 | 08/11/22 | 21/11/22 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| A | √ | √ | √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| √ | |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √ | |
Mrs Tina Nelson | √
| √ | |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| √ | |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ | |
Caroline Wilson
| A | A |
| N/A |
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
NB Caroline Wilson resigned from the Governing Body 2nd November 2022.
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Summer Term 2022
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
28/04/22 | 12/05/22 | 24/05/22 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ | A |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √
Mrs Tina Nelson | √ |
| A |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| A |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| A | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| A | √ |
Caroline Wilson
| √ |
| √ |
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Spring Term 2022
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
25/01/22 | 24/02/22 | 10/03/22 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ | A |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √
| √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √
Mrs Tina Nelson | √
| A |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | √ |
Reverend Caroline Wilson
| √ |
| √ |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Autumn Term 2021
Name of Governor | Governing Body | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
16/09/21 | 05/10/21 | 09/11/21 | 22/11/21 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ |
| √ | A |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ |
| √ | √
Mrs Tina Nelson | √ |
√ |
| √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ |
| A | √ |
Caroline Wilson
| √ | √ |
| √ |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Summer Term 2021
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
29/04/21 | 06/05/21 | 18/05/21 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ | √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | A
Mrs Tina Nelson | √ |
| √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| A |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | √ |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ |
| √ |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Spring Term 2021
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
19/01/21 | 25/02/21 | 11/03/21 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √
| √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| A | √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √
Mrs Tina Nelson | √
| √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √
| √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | √ |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ |
| A |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Autumn Term 2020
Name of Governor | Governing Body | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
17/09/20 | 06/10/20 | 10/11/20 | 23/11/20 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Tina Nelson | √ | √
| √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | √ |
| A |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| A | A |
| A |
√ Attended the meeting
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Summer Term 2020
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body | EGM |
30/04/20 | 11/05/20 (Virtual meeting) | 19/05/20 (Virtual meeting) | 09/07/20 (Virtual meeting) | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 | √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| Observer √ | √ | √ | |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ | √ | |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ | √ | √ | |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ | √ | |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √
| √ | |
Mrs Tina Nelson |
| √ | √ | |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | √ | |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ | √ | |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | √ | √ | |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ | √ |
A Absent with the consent of the governing body
F Failed to attend or absent without the consent of the governing body
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Spring Term 2020
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
21/01/20 | 27/02/20 | 10/03/20 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| A | A |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √
Mrs Tina Nelson | √
| √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | √ |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| A |
| √ |
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Autumn Term 2019
Name of Governor | Governing Body | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
19/09/19 | 08/10/19 | 13/11/19 | 25/11/19 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| A |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ |
| √
| √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ |
| √ | √
Mrs Tina Nelson | N/A | N/A
| √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ | √ |
| A |
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Summer Term 2019
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
25/04/19 | 09/05/19 | 21/05/19 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| A | As observer | A |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ | √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| A | A |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | A |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ |
| A |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Miss Esther Morrison
| √ |
| √ |
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Spring Term 2019
Name of Governor | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
17/01/19 | 13/02/19 | 07/03/19 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ |
| √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ | √ |
Miss Esther Morrison
| √ |
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| √ | √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ |
| √ |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ | √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins
| √ | √ |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ |
| A |
Mr Joe Vary |
| Present until item 6 |
Weston Primary School
Attendance at Meetings – Autumn Term 2018
Name of Governor | Governing Body | Curriculum | Resources | Governing Body |
18/09/18 | 16/10/18 | 22/10/18 | 12/11/18 | |
Mr Geoff Holmes
| √ | √ | √ | √ |
Dr David Gunn
| √ | √ | √ Observer | √ |
Ms Pamela Blackburn
| √ | √ |
| √ |
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Miss Esther Morrison
Mrs Alison Gooderson
| √ | √ | √ | √ |
Mr Tim Moody
| A |
| √ | √ |
Mr Jason Pellett
| √ | √ |
| A |
Mrs Caroline Rofe
| √ |
| √ | √ |
Mr Stephen Perkins |
Rev. Fiona Wheatley
| √ | √ |
| A |
Mr Joe Vary |
| Present until item 4 |