Maths Open Afternoon
I was delighted that a good number of parents and carers attended the Maths Open Afternoon. It was designed to be a chance for you to see some of the work your child has recently been completing in Maths lessons, and also a chance for your child to demonstrate some Maths to you. Results of the feedback questionnaires were very encouraging;
Does your child seem to enjoy maths at school?
Yes – 93% No – 0% Not sure – 0% ‘Sometimes’ – 7%
Please rate how useful you found looking at your child’s books to see the work they have done in Maths on other days.
Very useful – 93% Quite useful – 7% Not very useful – 0% Not at all useful – 0%
Please rate how useful you found it when your child showed you or demonstrated to you some of the Maths they have been learning at school.
Very useful – 90% Quite useful – 10% Not very useful – 0% Not at all useful – 0%
Please add any other comments – the most frequent comments are listed below;
It was very useful to see the methods my child uses in Maths in class, because they are different to the methods I learnt when I was at school.
I really enjoyed seeing my child in their classroom, working on Maths alongside their classmates.
My child loves maths!
It is great to be reminded that many children cite Maths as being their favourite subject at our school, and this is an indication of how well the subject is taught by our staff.
We organised this Open Afternoon with its focus on Maths as part of our efforts to raise the profile of Maths with our pupils and parents, and to put you in a better position to support your child in making progress with their Maths. Don’t forget that we also have information from the recent Maths Workshops for Parents available on the school website along with the guide to calculation methods used at the school (Spool down for this document). I would like to thank all the staff involved in preparing these recent events and documents.
Mr Geoff Holmes.
Maths Workshop for parents
We recently held a series of Maths Workshops for parents. Teachers from all of the classes from Year 1 to 6 took parents through the range of methods we use in school to help the children learn to understand numbers, and how to add, subtract, multiply and divide.
In feedback questionnaires completed after the workshops, 96% of parents described the workshops as ‘Very useful’. 96% also described the booklet of calculation methods (given out at the meetings as ‘Very useful’. Written comments included;
I found the workshops helpful and informative and feel this will enable me to help at home more.
…very useful for parents as it’s different to how I learnt.
Really great – thank you to the teachers for giving up their time.
Very useful to learn the language that is used in the classroom.
Fabulous – just what we needed- thank you.
The teachers really impressed me with their knowledge and ability to explain a method unfamiliar to me.
The booklet ‘Progression in Calculation Policy’ and the slides from the workshops are available below.