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Peanuts Preschool

We offer 30 hours Nursery care available on -site through partnership with Weston school.


Call Claire Mason on 07736 124327


An introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage (or EYFS)

The EYFS is the time in your child’s life between birth and age 5. The EYFS Framework supports all professionals with children of this age. It sets out:

  • The legal welfare requirements to keep your child safe
  • The seven areas of learning and development
  • Assessments that will tell you about your child’s progress through the EYFS
  • Expected levels (Early Learning Goals) that your child should reach at age 5, usually the end of the reception year

There are 7 areas of learning and development – 3 prime areas, and 4 specific areas

The first 3 are called the prime areas. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in the other 4 specific areas:

  1. Communication and language
  2. Physical development Prime areas
  3. Personal, social and emotional development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the world Specific areas
  7. Expressive arts and design


These seven areas are used to plan your child’s learning and activities, but the professionals teaching and supporting your child will make sure that the activities are suited to your child’s unique needs and abilities.

At Peanuts, we deliver the EYFS curriculum through different weekly topics. This ensures your children can access a wide and diverse variety of experiences and activities. We ensure we then plan to the needs of each individual child within these weekly topics.


Weekly topic planning 2019


Spring Half Term 1 (7th January – 15th February)

7th Jan Settling in

14th Jan Winter

21st Jan Stick Man

28th Jan Numbers and Shapes

4th Feb Chinese New Year

11th Feb Valentine’s Day


Spring Half Term 2 (25th February – 5th April)

25th Feb The Gingerbread Man

4th March Pancakes!

11th March Spring

18th March Spring

25th March Mother’s day

1st April Easter crafts and egg hunt


Summer Half Term 1 (23rd April – 24th May)


Summer Half Term 2 (3rd June – 23rd July)

