Home Page

Donaldson (Nursery & Reception) Mrs Murray

EYFS learning will continue to be uploaded onto Tapestry. 

Please keep sending photos and comments in for Mrs Murray.

Thank you.



Lockdown Gallery

Home Learning


In the event of the school being closed, or if a child is absent for an extended period, please see below for information on learning ideas and links to resources to support your child's learning at home.


Remember that the document below entitled How to Help Your Child Make the Best Possible Progress includes ideas you can use at home for Reading, practising Sounds and High Frequency Words and Maths.


In addition to these ideas and the ideas below, Twinkl have also set up free learning resources for parents to access to support home learning from EYFS right through to KS3/4. Access is easy to set up and you just need to set up an account yourselves via the link below using the code UKTWINKLHELPS

go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS

Summer 1 2020 = Maths Mastery at home
