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Peanuts Pre-School Mrs Mason


Our mission statement is, “Working with families to create happy and confident little learners”


Our EYFS curriculum intent


The children in our setting follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS).

The EYFS Curriculum has seven main areas of learning –


  1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  2. Communication and Language
  3. Physical development
  4. Literacy (Reading and Writing)
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the world
  7. Expressive Arts and Design


We aim for a practical, playful approach to learning, based on the needs and interests of our children, which is delivered mainly through topic-based planning. We teach children individually and in small groups, through both child-initiated play and structured learning groups. Through a combination of teacher input and continuous provision opportunities, learning is planned to encourage children to develop their knowledge and skills independently through exploration and challenge. Next steps are planned for each individual child to ensure they continue to learn and develop across all 7 areas of the EYFS Curriculum.


The “Characteristics of Effective Learning” are at the heart of the Early Years Curriculum and explore the different ways in which children learn. They highlight the importance of playing and learning, active learning and thinking critically. All the learning experiences we plan for the children allow them to utilise and develop these skills.

Our learning environments, both inside and outside, are stimulating and exciting, and relevant to the needs and age/stage of our children. We regularly change and enhance our continuous provision, ensuring easily accessible resources develop children’s ability to access the curriculum independently.


We understand that parents and carers are central to a child’s development, and we aim to support parents with tools and ideas for helping their child’s continual progress and development at home, as well as in our setting.
