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Tan (Year 5/6) Mrs Nelson

Home/School learning WC 15th June
Home Learning WC 13th July (Also on Google Classrooms)

         Tan Class Home Learning

13th July 2020


Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.


White Rose have begun to repeat some of their activities for some year groups so I have attached the alternative resources below if you have already completed the main activities.


Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Metric Units

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Imperial Units

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Converting units of time

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Timetables

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.


Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Drawing nets of 3d shapes

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Circles

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.




Lesson 3 – Read and interpret pie charts

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4  – The mean

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash


Read through chapters five, six and seven of the new book and answer the 5 comprehension questions.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


I look forward to reading them.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.




Day 1

  • WALT: Identify descriptive language and imagery in a text

Watch again

The Egg by: MC Robertson

Now watch:

Tell me a dragon – Jackie Morris

  • What do you notice?
  • What if there were no pictures?
  • How does the writer create an image in our head?
  • How does the writer describe each dragon? What language does he use? Which are the ‘good’/effective words? (Why are they effective?)
  • Make a list of: adjectives/expanded noun phrases/similes/metaphors used
  • Play - Simile matching game with your family Resource 1-create some cards of your own.


Day 2

  • WALT: Create a fact file about a dragon
  • Either using a dragon from Jackie Morris’s ideas or your own idea complete a fact file for a dragon – use the resource pack 2


Day 3

  • WALT: Create our own dragon


Design a detailed dragon of your own – colour/paint in vivid details.

Put descriptive language around your picture – adjective strings, similes, metaphors, powerful verbs and other descriptive phrases.  Use a thesaurus (online if you do not have one) to find other more powerful words that mean the same thing. EG – A better word for red might be…scarlet/crimson etc.


Day 4

  • Now tell me about your dragon using the Jackie Morris format.
  • Create a descriptive paragraph all about your dragon.  Include all your wonderful vocabulary you placed around your picture.

Day 5

  • Using Jackie Morris ideas and your own ideas create Top Trump cards for dragons – use Top Trump Resource 


Home Learning WC 6th July (also on Google Classrooms)


Tan Class Home Learning

6th July  2020



Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.


White Rose have begun to repeat some of their activities for some year groups so I have attached the alternative resources below if you have already completed the main activities.


Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Regular and irregular polygons

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Reasoning about 3d shapes

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Reflection

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Translation

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.


Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 Main – Vertically opposite angles

Lesson 1 Alternative – Add and subtract integers

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 Main – Angles in a triangle

Lesson 2 Alternative – Multiply up to a 4-digti number by a 2-digit number

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 Main – Angles in a special quadrilateral

Lesson 3 Alternative – Short division

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 Main – Angles in regular polygons

Lesson 4 Alternative – Mental calculations

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash


Read through chapter three and four of the new book and answer the 5 comprehension questions.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


I look forward to reading them.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.










Day 1

  • WALT: Predict and sequence events

Look at the front cover picture of the book THE EGG by: MP Robertson.

…And before reading:

  • Book talk: look carefully at cover and jot down questions about the text, make predictions.
  • Predict the story – using illustrations from the text without the words, sequence the order you think it may be in; and attempt to tell it. (Use resource 1)


Now watch/read the story;

The Egg by: MC Robertson

(text without pictures in resources below- you may wish to cut these up and stick next to the correct picture in the sequence!)


Day 2

  • WALT: Find evidence in a text of descriptions of settings and feelings
  • Look through the images from text again and annotate with descriptions of setting/characters’ feelings using direct evidence/quotes from the text.
  • Imagine you are interviewing George about these events. Role play this with another member of your family/school, using a hairbrush as a microphone, as if you were a newsreader.
  • Write a short paragraph detailing this interview. Use Resource 2 – interview template
  • Think about -Where do you think the egg came from? /How did it get there?


Day 3

  • WALT: Research synonyms
  • Look on Google/use a thesaurus-Find as many synonyms (words meaning the same) for the word ‘fly’ as you can. (resource 3)











  • WALT: understand the features of newspaper reports

Watch: BBC Bitesize

Features of newspaper reports

And read through the PowerPoint – tips for writing newspaper reports. What does a newspaper report need to have? – Write your own list of tips to be successful.

Day 4                                                                                         

  • WALT: Plan a newspaper report -The Egg
  • Plan a news report about George’s dragon story. (Resource 4)

Think about the: Headline - grab your readers’ attention! See Resources below for more information.

Think about your opening statement – this needs to include:

  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?

*Challenge- See if you can include them BOLDLY in one powerful sentence!

Your following paragraphs will then need to give more details.

  • Include sensational language.
  • Include speculation: Where did the egg come from?/ How did it get there? – think back to Day 2!
  • Include an interview with George – think back to Day 2!
  • Include eyewitness statements to the dragon flight and use the powerful synonyms you researched.
  • Include a picture with captions.


Day 5

  • WALT: Write a newspaper report – The Egg

Now publish your news report on the frame (Resource 5) and send pictures of them into school. Good luck - Can’t wait to see them!




Lockdown gallery

Home Learning WC 29th June




29th June 2020



Hi everyone, I hope that you have been enjoying the sunny weather. It’s been very hot in school this week.


I hope that you have enjoyed the new book that we are reading on Purple Mash and are looking forward to chapter two.


Thank you to those of you who have sent me your amazing stories. I have really enjoyed reading them and seeing the effort that you are putting into your writing. A huge thank you to your supportive parents for all of the help that they are giving you with your home learning.


Have a lovely week.



Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.


White Rose have begun to repeat some of their activities for some year groups so I have attached the alternative resources below if you have already completed the main activities.


Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Measuring with a protractor

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Drawing lines and angles accurately

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Calculating angles on a straight line

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Calculating angles around a point

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.


Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 Main – Introducing the ratio symbol

Lesson 1 Alternative – The first quadrant

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 Main – Calculating ratio

Lesson 2 Alternative – Four quadrants

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 Main – Using scale factors

Lesson 3 Alternative - Translations

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 Main – Ratio and proportion problems.

Lesson 4 Alternative - Reflections

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash


Read through chapter two of the new book and answer the 5 comprehension questions.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions for chapter one as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


I have added a second activity this week. You have to complete a short piece of writing about if you could time travel which era would you go to and why!


I look forward to reading them.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.




Day 1 and 2 –

  • WALT: Plan your own story including a detailed description of your own chosen settings
  • Include description of your setting and characters
  • consider the range of specific nouns used to develop the description of settings and characters


Think of all the criteria you have used over the last 2 weeks to complete your ‘Journey’ and ‘Quest’ stories. 

Think about a character/2 characters going on a journey/quest.

Why are they wanting to escape?

How will they get there?

What settings will they see?

How will they travel around these settings?

What is the problem?

How will it be solved?

How do/does your character(s) get back to their real world?


Create a storyboard planner to jot down your ideas.

Make descriptive notes to accompany each slide as your plan.

Ask yourself:

How can we paint a picture in our readers mind?

What can we see?

Why do you think...?

What would be an effective vocabulary choice here?



Include adjectives/powerful verbs/expanded noun phrases/prepositions/fronted adverbials.

Include dialogue.

Look at the writing prompt examples you have been given in your pack over these last 2 weeks and upskill your writing.

Day 3

  • Draw/paint the settings/illustrations for these parts of your story
  • WALT: Write the beginning of your story including a detailed description of the opening settings and interesting introduction to hook in your reader!

Remember to paragraph your work – TIP start a new paragraph for each picture!

Include an interesting time adverbial to move each part of the story along (don’t forget the comma).

Continue to describe each setting vividly using well-chosen vocabulary choices.

What is the girl doing? What might the girl be thinking/feeling at each setting?

Day 4

  • Draw/paint the settings/illustrations for these parts of your story
  • WALT:Write the middle parts of your story including a detailed description of settings

Continue through the settings telling the story looking very carefully at the details in the pictures – continue to remember to be very descriptive – experiment with different sentence starters/prepositions etc. Rehearse all the wonderful ways we have learnt that make our sentences more interesting to the reader.

Day 5 

  • Draw/paint the settings/illustrations for these parts of your story
  • WALT:Write the final parts of a story including a detailed description of settings

How does your picture book end?

Remember all good writers ‘purple polish’ their writing – your first choices may not always be the best choices!


See WC 1st June for other topics, RE and ideas for this half term!


Continue with your time capsule and Black History learning.

Remember to place your rock on the ‘Weston Worm’ outside the school. You may paint as many as you like!


Home Learning WC 22nd June


Tan Class Home Learning

22nd June 2020


Hi everyone, I hope that you are having a good week. Thank you to those of you who have been completing the home learning and sending it to me via email or handing it in virtually on Purple Mash. I have really enjoyed reading your comic strips, setting descriptions and I cannot wait to read your stories from this week.



Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.


White Rose have begun to repeat some of their activities for some year groups so I have attached the alternative resources below if you have already completed the main activities.


Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Subtracting Decimals with the same number of decimal places

Lesson 1 Alternative – Read and interpret tables

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places.

Lesson 2 Alternative – Two way tables

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.







Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Area and Perimeter

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Area of a triangle (3)

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Area of a parallelogram

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Volume of a cuboid

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash

I have a new book for you this week. It is an adventure through time!


The new book is called ‘The Time Lock Adventure’ I hope that you enjoy reading this first chapter.


Read through chapter one and answer the 5 comprehension questions.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions for chapter one as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.















Day 1 and 2


  • WALT: Plan a story including a detailed description of settings and dialogue to show a relationship 
  • Include description of a typical setting and characters
  • consider the range of specific nouns used to develop the description of settings and characters
  • Include dialogue between the boy and girl

Outcome of these 2 weeks is to create the descriptive setting writing and storyline missing in the picture books by Aaron Becker. This week I have also introduced writing direct speech.


We are using another wonderful picture book by Aaron Becker and watch: ‘Quest’ by Aaron Becker. (using picture books is ageless!)


This week, alongside our descriptive writing, we will focus on creating dialogue between the girl and the boy. Their relationship is friendship so this will need to be expressed in the speech you write. I have included rules for writing direct speech in the resources below.


Have another look at last week’s Journey story you wrote to remind yourself of the descriptions you used – how did you paint these pictures in your readers’ minds? Remember to use these vivid descriptions in the narrative parts of your story.


Start the video link again and pause at each different setting to jot down description and possible dialogue between the two children at each scene.  Use the story board planning sheet (1) to help organise and sequence the events.

Ask yourself:

How can we paint a picture in our readers mind?

What can we see?

Why do you think...?

What would be an effective vocabulary choice here?


Include ideas to show the dialogue between the two children in speech bubbles.

Include adjectives/powerful verbs/expanded noun phrases/prepositions/fronted adverbials.

Look at the writing prompt examples you have been given on your pack.


  • Day 3 WALT: Write the beginning of the story including a detailed description of the opening settings and interesting introduction to hook in your reader!

Remember to paragraph your work – TIP start a new paragraph for each picture/change of scene!

Include an interesting time adverbial to move each part of the story along (don’t forget the comma).

Continue to describe each setting vividly using well-chosen vocabulary choices.

What is the girl doing? What might the girl be thinking/feeling at each setting?

What will the two children be saying to one another – follow the rules for writing direct speech.


  • Day 4 WALT:Write the middle parts of a story including a detailed description of settings

Continue through the settings telling the story looking very carefully at the details in the pictures and the speech you have chosen – continue to remember to be very descriptive – experiment with different sentence starters/prepositions etc. Rehearse all the wonderful ways we have learnt that make our sentences more interesting to the reader. Keep using the direct speech writing rules!


  • Day 5 WALT:Write the final parts of a story including a detailed description of settings

How does this picture book end? Again, make your reader want to go on an adventure just like this one!


See WC 1st June for other topics and ideas for this half term!





Tan Class Home Learning

15th June 2020



Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.


White Rose have begun to repeat some of their activities for some year groups so I have attached the alternative resources below if you have already completed the main activities.


Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Understanding Percentages

Lesson 1 Alternative – Multi-step addition and subtraction problems

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Percentages as fractions and decimals

Lesson 2 Alternative – read and interpret line graphs

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places

Lesson 3 Alternative – Draw line graphs

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places

Lesson 4 Alternative – Use line graphs to solve problems

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.





Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Solve two-step equations

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Find pairs of values

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Convert metric measures

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Miles and Kilometres

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.




Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash

Chapter Five – Cyber Crime final chapter!


Read Chapter 5 and answer the 5 comprehension questions.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


Book Review 2Do – I have added an extra 2do this week for you to write a book review about the Cyber Files now that you have read it all.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.





Day 1 and 2 –

  • WALT: Plan a story including a detailed description of settings
  • Include description of a typical setting and characters
  • consider the range of specific nouns used to develop the description of settings and characters

Introduce the book and watch:  ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker.

Outcome of the next 2 weeks is to create the descriptive setting writing and storyline missing in the picture books by Aaron Becker.

Look at the planning sheet (1) as a prompt to some of the settings that tell some of the story from the book.

Make descriptive notes to accompany each slide as your plan.

Ask yourself:

How can we paint a picture in our readers mind?

What can we see?

Why do you think...?

What would be an effective vocabulary choice here?



Include adjectives/powerful verbs/expanded noun phrases/prepositions/fronted adverbials.

Look at the writing prompt examples you have been given on your pack.


  • Day 3 WALT: Write the beginning of the story including a detailed description of the opening settings and interesting introduction to hook in your reader!

Remember to paragraph your work – TIP start a new paragraph for each picture!

Include an interesting time adverbial to move each part of the story along (don’t forget the comma).

Continue to describe each setting vividly using well-chosen vocabulary choices.

What is the girl doing? What might the girl be thinking/feeling at each setting?

  • Day 4 WALT:Write the middle parts of a story including a detailed description of settings

Continue through the settings telling the story looking very carefully at the details in the pictures – continue to remember to be very descriptive – experiment with different sentence starters/prepositions etc. Rehearse all the wonderful ways we have learnt that make our sentences more interesting to the reader. 

  • Day 5 WALT:Write the final parts of a story including a detailed description of settings

How does this picture book end? Make your reader want to go on an adventure just like this one!


See WC 1st June for other topics and ideas for this half term!





RE Bible stories and activities from the Reverend Fiona

Tan Class Home Learning

 Monday 8th June 2020

Hi everyone, I hope that you are working hard and had a break over the weekend ready for this week’s home learning.

I hope that you are enjoying our class book on Purple Mash. I know I am! I have added Chapter 4 this week and the 5 comprehension questions. Enjoy!

My top tips for preparing for Year 6 and Year 7 are:

  • Read every day for at least 15 minutes.
  • Practise your spellings every day and try and test yourself once a week.
  • Keep your times tables recall fast and furious by going on ttrockstars when you can.
  • Keep writing.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Nelson

Tan Class Home Learning – Week beginning Monday 8th June.



Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.


White Rose have begun to repeat some of their activities for some year groups so I have attached the alternative resources below if you have already completed the main activities.


Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Decimals as fractions (2)

Lesson 1 Alternative – Add whole numbers with more than 4 digits.


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.




Lesson 2 – Understanding thousandths

Lesson 2 Alternative – Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits.

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Rounding Decimals

Lesson 3 Alternative – Round to estimate and approximate

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Order and compare decimals

Lesson 4 Alternative – Inverse operations (addition and subtraction).

Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Find a rule (2 step)


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Forming Expressions


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Substitution


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Solve simple one step equations


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash

Chapter Four – Cyber Crime

Your 2Do this week is to read Chapter 4 and answer the 5 comprehension questions.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.



Day 1 = Use a model text as a basis for our own comic strip

Over this week we will be creating our own comic strip versions of a super hero story based on the book: Traction man. As usual, Mr Suckling is very excited about drawing cartoons!



Watch: Traction man is here  and

Traction Man meets Turbo Dog

  • Who are the main characters and what are their qualities/super powers
  • What problems do they face?
  • How are these problems solved?
  • How is the text laid out – what do you notice?


Day 2 Understanding comic strips/superheroes


  • Have a good think about how you could create your superhero Create/Draw your superhero.
  • Think about what super powers he/she will have
  • Practise drawing your superhero in a variety of poses

Day 3 Plan your comic strip

  • Use the planner to plan your own superhero short story.
  • It will need a beginning, middle and ending.
  • Record your ideas for other characters, settings, expressions and even speech/cheesy dialogue. Make sure each part has some action and that your ending is powerful with an awesome punchline.

Day 4 & 5 Create your comic strip

  • Follow the steps in
  • Make sure your sentences have the correct punctuation!
  • Include speech bubbles and inset text boxes for narration
  • Use powerful language including well-chosen verbs and adjectives
  • Include cheesy humour if you can!
  • Take good care with your illustrations
  • Share with us at school!


Resources and frames below


See WC 1st June for other topics and ideas for this half term!




Monday 1st June 2020

Hi all,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed the half term break from home learning!

Here is this week’s learning. I hope that you are finding the White Rose activities and accompanying video clips helpful.

It has been lovely so see so many of you doing the activities on Purple Mash and I am very happy to have received some amazing writing before the half term!

Well done to those of you who took part in the ttrockstars battle against the teachers. I don’t know about you but I really enjoyed it.


Have a lovely week.

Mrs Nelson




Watch the video clip on the White Rose home learning website and then complete the activity for each day. The activities are available on our page in PDF format.

Year 5 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – multiply unit and non-unit fractions by an integer


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Multiply mixed numbers by integers


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Fractions of an amount


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Fractions as operators


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Year 6 – Video Links



Lesson 1 – Fractions to percentages


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 2 – Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 3 – Order fractions, decimals and percentages


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Lesson 4 – Percentage of an amount (2)


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Click on the link for the Friday Maths Challenge!


Ttrockstars – 15 mins times table practise.



Make sure that you are reading for at least 15 mins a day.



Purple Mash

Chapter Three – Cyber Crime

Your 2Do’s this week are based around chapter 3 of the story.

There are some comprehension questions and a comparing characters activity.


I have downloaded the comprehension questions as a PDF available on the class page or as a printed version in the packs available for collection.


If you have forgotten your log in for purple mash, email and ask for it.


  • Day 1 = Draw a setting from description in a text  (Use the POWERPOINT below!)

It is really important for readers to know where a story is set and what that place is like. Authors often describe a setting in detail if it is unusual in some way. They try to appeal to the senses –what can you see, hear, touch, smell. How do you feel?

1/ Read the beach setting – children to complete picture of the setting described.

2/ Read the Great hall passage from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling- Children to draw, using the description in the passage, their impression of the Great Hall before they see the photo from the film.

Now compare it to the video still. How did you do?

  • Day 2 = Understand about prepositions/ Use prepositions to vary the openings of my sentences. (Use the POWERPOINT below!)

Identify what a preposition is.

Play quiz


Go through the powerpoint slides to reinforce list of prepositions and how they fit mid-sentence>

Children carry out:

Task 1 identifying preposition activity as a best joined handwriting task.

Task 2 Looking at the 2 pictures you drew from yesterday: Write some more sentences including prepositions.

  • Day 3 = Improve descriptions (Use the POWERPOINT below!)

Recap how we have improved our writing yesterday by adding prepositions to sentence starters or using them to improve our sentences.

Task 1 Improve the description of the archway using prepositions/comparatives/superlatives and other powerful description – similes/adjectives/verbs/adverbials.

Task 2 Begin to plan the Big write descriptions – Look at poor descriptions and improve.

  • Day 4 & 5 = Write a description of a setting independently (Use the POWERPOINT below!)

Write up your best descriptions from the pictures in your best handwriting and send into school to share with the children here!


See resources below linked with Mixed age group school learning


Crime and Punishment through the ages


Purple Mash

Log in to see them as part of your 2Do list of activities.


There is a great presentation about Crime and Punishment during Early Modern England read through this online or the paper copy also available in the packs.


I have set a 2Do for you to write a diary entry for someone in a pillory.





Science for summer term 2020:

  • How to Grow a Rainbow Science Experiment
  • Selection of STEM challenges (send in your pics!)


30 Days Wild



30 days wild

Wildlife watch

Some linked resources below but there is so much more on my favourite website!


Topic for summer term 2020:

  • ART - Look at the Powerpoint (below) about Andy Goldsworthy – English Artist and complete stated activities over this half term – Don’t forget to send in your photos of your creations!



Enjoy the activities.


Mrs Nelson

Summer 1 2020 =Maths Mastery at home

PSHE and wellbeing home learning update 3rd April

How to use My Maths
