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Mayhew (Year 2 & 3) Mrs Gooderson

James Mayhew competition - Prize winners - James Mayhew workshop

Your child receives new spellings each week - The spelling results are showing that the majority of children are not practising these at home!  Please practise with your child to improve their spelling skills - The profile of spelling has been raised significantly in the 2014 curriculum and to meet age related expectations your child must learn their spellings each week. Thank you -Mrs Gooderson  

2016-2017 New look classrooms!

Our 'Katie goes rto Letchworth' designs will be on display and judged here...

Dear Mayhew Class 2016-2017,


Here are the high frequency words you will be expected to know how to read and write in September. As an extra challenge, I have included the next set of high frequency words.  Please practice reading and writing them over the holidays. 


Please practice your x2, x5 and x10 times table over the holidays.  For extra challenge, practice the x3 and x4.


I hope you have a great holiday!


Mrs Gooderson
